Suicide Prevention

Protecting the health and well-being of all students is of utmost importance to USDB. Comments and reports regarding suicidal thoughts, ideation, threats, and suicidal attempts will be taken very seriously. The USDB Suicide Prevention Team has adopted a suicide prevention policy which will help to protect all students through the following steps: 

Students will learn about recognizing and responding to warning signs of suicide in friends, using coping skills, using support systems, and seeking help for themselves and friends. This will occur in all health classes. Students will have access to this information in the communication modality of their choice (e.g. ASL, written English, braille, etc.). 

All students will be expected to help create a school culture of respect and support in which students feel comfortable seeking help for themselves or friends. Students are encouraged to tell any staff member if they, or a friend, are feeling suicidal or in need of help. 

Students are expected to work cooperatively with administrators, USDB Psychology team members (including School Psychologists, School Counselors, and School Social-Workers when appropriate), law enforcement, and medical teams when deemed necessary. 

Students should also know that because of the life or death nature of these matters, confidentiality or privacy concerns are secondary to seeking help for students in crisis. 

When a student is identified as being at risk, they will be assessed by a USDB Psychology Team member (School Psychologist, School Counselor, School Social-Worker). The mental health professional will work with the student and help connect them to appropriate local resources. 

Students will have access to local and national resources which they can contact for additional support, such as: 

When students choose to use Utah’s SafeUT electronic reporting processes a means to report concerns for themselves or others they agree to the policies and procedures outlined in the SafeUT reporting process. USDB will work closely with SafeUT to address concerns with student emotional well-being and safety.

USDB Suicide Prevention Policy & Procedures

Four Simple Steps to a Medication Safe Home

The Side Effects of Social Media

Firearm Safety and Storage

When Your Child Wants to End Their Life

Suicide Prevention Video Clip

Questions? Please contact your psychology staff member.
Division Staff Member Contact Information
JMS Lindsey Wert

Brian Tingley-Carr

Smoki Suckla

KBS Raina Jones

Kim Thornsberry

Deaf South Heather Hoen

John Olsen

LSL Stephanie Hardee

Holly Arndt

SLC – Blind Program Stephanie Hardee

Holly Arndt


Ogden – Blind Program

Raina Jones

Holly Arndt

USD Cottages Wade Hester